Areas of Focus

1) Innovation

• “I need to discover new products and offerings for my existing customer base.”

• “COVID-19 erased a lot of my customers and offerings, I need to discover a new niche.”

• “I need help introducing new concepts and ideas to an established team and set of offerings.”

2) Strategic Generosity

• “I need help discovering my impact, values, and interest.”

• “I need help designing and implementing a plan regarding a generational wealth transfer.”

• “I need a facilitated discussion with my family about our generational wealth transfer.”

• “I want to set a direction with discipline and accountability towards a more generous life.”

3) Setting / Resetting Culture

• “Our business has been hit hard by the pandemic; changing the size of our team and how we work as a team. I need help resetting our culture.”

• “I need practical steps to reset our culture as our organization changes course.”

• “I need to develop and implement the core values of my startup.”

• “I need to determine who of my team is best for our organization and who is not.”

4) Navigating a Partnership

•“I need to discover a win/win with a potential partner.”

• “I need help identifying strengths and weaknesses of partners.”

• “I need to unwind a messy partnership.”

5) Personal Development

• “COVID-19 has opened my eyes to areas of life I am not leading myself or others around me well.”

• “I need help engaging with those whom I love outside of work, despite my increased workload.”

• “My manager has given me specific areas to improve and I need steps forward and measurable accountability to improve in these areas.”

• “I need to discover who I am.”

• “I need a path forward to launching a pipe dream/business.”

• “I need to align my hardwiring with a career.”

6) Business Alignment

• “I have reoccurring issues that need to be solved.”

• “I need organizational clarity as to where we are going and how we intend to get there.”

• “I need an operating system to systemize our varying processes.”



“Andrew led our Young Professional Committee (YPC) through a multi-session series based on the Ron Friedman book, “The Best Place To Work”. Our organization walked away with a high-graded list of strategies to promote and enhance our corporate culture based upon Andrew’s leadership and engaging personality.”

Jud Walker President & CEO EnerVest Ltd.