
When coaching in one of the six areas of focus, Andrew instills outside perspective, useful strategy, measured accountability and energizing hope. Andrew’s key role with clients is unlocking the mechanism of change that leads teams or individuals to conviction, direction and/or action. When a new objective is set, his coaching is what helps achieve the desired outcomes for each of his clients. His goal is to never be a “drag” on the company’s bottom line. Therefore, coaching should have meaningful work to accomplish and when the task is complete, it’s time for him to move on.

As you read over the six areas of focus, you will find several dilemmas you might be experiencing. These dilemmas are somewhat generalized to help you gain a basic understanding as to what defines each area of focus. If you're sensing a need for coaching, contact Andrew to set up an introductory meeting to learn more.



"There is nothing better than having someone in my corner who I can call and get an outside perspective of my business. Andrew has helped me with the most important issues I face as a business owner, giving me the confidence to execute in one of the most critical seasons in my life and work" 

-Kevin Frey // Owner; Puritan Coffee & Beer

"Before working with Andrew, I needed help with direction and overall organization with our company. Ever since working with him, he has been a true partner - providing value in myriad ways, including being consistently available, providing thoughtful feedback and guidance, and overall being a champion and encourager of the brand and me. I can trust him to bring his very best and I know that he is genuinely invested in helping me and our company thrive as much as possible."

-Nick Meyer // COO; Bearded Brothers

"Andrew developed my career decisions at the most pivotal time. Nearing my 40’s, with 20 years of small business experience I couldn’t have felt more directionless. I committed to a development weekend he hosted and enlisted his services amongst the pandemic of 20’. Two years later, Hood Strategies is still a 'must have' as I prioritize my finances each month."

-Brandon Dady // Operations; LandWest Design Group



Andrew has coached and advised leaders associated with the following organizations: